
The DEP-6D is a new preference-based measure to assess the person's ability to complete daily life activities. DEP-6D covers five dimensions usually reported in the functional disability indexes (eat, incontinence, personal care, mobility, and housework), plus an additional item, which recalls levels of dependence related to cognitive problems —with 3-4 severity levels per dimension. 

The major difference with other dependency indicators, such as the Katz Index or the Barthel Index, is that the scoring algorithm is based on social preferences, measured in Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), and therefore can be used in economic evaluation analysis.

How to use the DEP-6D

The DEP-6D is composed of a questionnaire and a scoring algorithm that assigns a score to each of the responses. The dependent person is asked about her/his ability to complete activities of daily living by ticking the most appropriate statement in each of the six dimensions. The scoring algorithm makes it possible to assign a value to each of the answers provided. The scores for the six dimensions can be combined into aggregate score that describes the level of severity of dependence.

How to license the DEP-6D 

No license is required. Anyone may copy, redistribute or reuse this instrument if the authors and original source are properly cited.

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