
The Spanish ASCOT-SCT4 –a translation and cultural adaptation of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) SCT4– is a preference-based instrument designed to measure the social care-related quality of life of the individuals who are receiving long term care. The measure covers the eight quality of life dimensions that are most affected by the social care received: personal cleanliness and comfort, accommodation cleanliness and comfort, food and drink, safety, social participation and involvement, occupation, control over daily life and dignity. 

Spanish-ASCOT is the validated adaptation of the ASCOT instrument to the Spanish context. The weights of the Spanish ASCOT have been extracted from the preferences of Spanish society. It combines the necessary properties to be used in economic evaluation.

The Spanish version of the ASCOT SCT4 is based on work supported by the funding of the Fundación CASER.

How to use the Spanish-ASCOT

The Spanish-ASCOT is composed of a questionnaire and a scoring algorithm that assigns a score to each of the responses. The user of social services is asked about the quality of services by ticking the most appropriate statement in each of the eight dimensions. The scoring algorithm makes it possible to assign a value to each of the answers provided. The scores for the eight dimensions can be combined into an aggregate score that describes the user’s care-related quality of life.

The following link provides access to the questionnaire of Spanish-Ascot and instructions for obtaining the aggregate score (information in Spanish).

How to license the Spanish-ASCOT

ASCOT is free of charge for not-for-profit use, but a license is required. Please complete Form 1 on this page. If you wish to apply for a license for ASCOT to be used for used for profit, please consult this website.

Associated documents (Spanish, external links):